Sunday, December 31, 2006

Weight Watchers Update and Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

So I haven't posted in sometime about my Weight Watchers journey. There has just been so much going on. School. Work. And lately, the Hedgehog obsession! But--things are going great with WW. I'm down almost 20lbs. It feels surreal. My knees no longer bother me. I can see my clavicles. Old clothes fit again. I'm just about half way to my goal and it has been surprisingly easy. I currently subscribe to Pointing My Way to a New Life, by far the best WW forum I have found. It's very positive and very supportive and has been a big part of my success so far. Anyway--if you'd like to see where I started, how I'm doing, and where I'm heading, here is my Weigh In Journal that I fill in every week.


Another personal update that I'd like to fill everyone in on is my reading of , written by Steven Covey. This is a fantastic book and I would recommend EVERYONE take a small peek at it. I originally picked it up because I wanted to improve my supervisory techniques for my job, but this book is really about improving one's self as whole. I've just finished up habit number 1, "be proactive," and I am beginning to read about habit number 2, begin with the end in mind." I have been working VERY hard at being proactive but it is a skill that I need to continue to work on. I am the classic reactive person and this is NOT who I want to be.

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