Tuesday, June 13, 2006

In Autism News. . . .

It breaks my heart to see the abuse that some children with Autism are forced to endure. . .
Boy taught in cupboard

On a postive note, here is something really neat-o. Yes I said 'really.' It's become a professional term now, you know! hahahaha. Check this out! Friend Finder

So--it's been awhile. Yes, I've gone from 4 posts in one day to one every few weeks. . . .Life is catching up with me again. Right now I'm trying to get my life organized. I'm taking a course in curriculum right now, managing a case load of three (and hoping to get more cases SOON), and trying to fit in that important stuff like exercise and spending time with my guy. Life is BUSY! Anyway one of the exciting things going on is getting ready for my vacation at the end of the month. David and I are taking a small vacation and going up "nort," as we say here in WI. We're going to spend one day in Bayfield and two days over in the Superior/Duluth area. It will be a nice little get-away, that's for sure. I'll take LOTs of photos and post them when I return!

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